Bestyrelsen har siden forsommeren arbejdet med at identificere den perfekte kandidat til at løfte opgaven som international fundraiser for Masanga Projektet. Jobbet er lønnet og med base i Freetown. Da vi desværre ikke havde økonomi til at bære en dansk fundraiser-løn og dermed ikke kunne forlænge ansættelsen af foreningens fundraiser, er dette vores store, nye stats. Siden ebolaen epidemien ved vi, at der er penge og investorer i landet. Mange spillere vil gerne være med til at ruste en skrøbelig stat som Sierra Leone til i fremtiden at kunne håndtere tilsvarende udbrud bedre. Men der er en relativ mangel på implementatorer, og det er her vi kommer ind i billedet.
Den internationale fundraiser skal etablere et fundraising kontor i Freetown og ansætte/oplære en lokal ansat til at varetage funktionen fremadrettet. Fundraising enheden vil samtiig være den spæde start på etableringen af et lokalt Masanga branch i Sierra Leone, Masanga SL, som fremadrettet forhåbentligt vil være den primært tilknyttede og financierende NGO.
Vi har været gennem en længere screenings- og ansættelses proces og havde identificeret en stærk kandidat, som desværre blev hvervet til et andet og for hende personligt mere relevant job i elvte time. Nu er vi atter på udkig så spred endelig det glade budskab i jeres netværk:
Re-announcement: International Fundraiser, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Masanga Hospital Rehabilitation Project is looking for a fundraiser to start a fundraising unit in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Masanga Hospital Rehabilitation Project (MHRP) aims to capacity build the health system in Sierra Leone through education and by rehabilitating and operating Masanga hospital in Sierra Leone. Through a 20-year period, MHRP will rebuild the hospital so that it can operate independently by giving basic and essential healthcare. Besides offering treatment to patients at Masanga Hospital, MHRP and the Tonkolili District run The Tonkolili District College of Health Sciences and a business section. Both to educate qualified personnel and create development in the community of Sierra Leone. MHRP has existed for 10 years and is currently renegotiating operational terms with the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Health and Sanitation.
Job description
MHRP is looking for an international person with fundraising experience who can start a fundraising unit in Freetown, Sierra Leone, four hours drive from Masanga Hospital compound. The job is self-limiting in that the main task for the international fundraiser is to establish the unit and ensure its future functionality.
Key Responsibilities
- Establishing of a fundraising unit for MHRP in Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Identifying a local fundraiser to build the unit around
- Create a network locally and with our international donors
- Close collaboration with the international board of MHRP
- To help identify and describe projects and funding opportunities for MHRP
- To ensure a flow of relevant information to donors and potential donors
- To ensure and facilitate financial transparency in donor financed projects
- To lobby for MHRP in Freetown with relevant stakeholders
- Minimum 2 years of experience with international fundraising
- Work experience in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Bachelor or master degree that is relevant for the position
- Networking skills
- Proficiency in English (spoken, written)
- IT and computer skills
- Able to work independently
- Great communicational skills
- Open minded
We offer
- A challenging and exciting job in Sierra Leone
- A job that directly benefits the country you will be working in
- A wide network of internal NGOs that you will we working with
- A gateway to an international fundraising career
Terms and condition
The starting date of the position is as soon as possible. The length of the contract will be one year with possibility of extension. The position includes accommodation, insurance, travel expenses and a basic salary. If you have any question please contact Sara Thordal at kd.agnasam or Susanne Haas at @ladrohtaraskd.agnasam. @ennasus
Forward your CV and motivational letter to Susanne Haas: kd.agnasam as soon as possible, we will look at incoming applications continuously. @ennasus